dimanche, novembre 24

Socializing IRL or it's all about coffee #SMCSFblog - Day24

A few days ago I wrote about my routine sunday coffee.

Today is sunday and I had coffee at chez Thierry.
Before getting there we've been to the market get some fresh vegetables and fruits.
Then we went to the butcher's as usual.

The butcher's shop is a small one, local shop. On sundays his wife and one of his daughters work with him.
Today none of the daughters were there, they were busy somewhere else. In general one of the daughters help keeping the cashier (I often remember when I was a little 7-8 yo girl and used to play shop-keeper with a cousin, the cashier would be someone else, not me or my cousin but an imaginary colleague called Helen, yes, not as in portuguese, Helena, but in english, Helen. We'd shout to her Heeeeeeelen 2 loafs of bread and 3 oranges bla-bla-bla).

But today none of them were there.
The butcher, 'our' George (you know, je reminds us of G Clooney) served us and without any daughter keeping the cashier he got the cash too.

When he was saving goodbye he said 'see you later at Thierry's. You for the coffee and I go for the appetizer before lunch'. 
It is true, he noticed that we go after lunch.

We went as usual to Thierry's. We sat by the bar. Got our coffees. A few minutes alter 'our George' got in.
He then told Thierry that he'd pay for our coffees. We said no, no need.
We were so touched by this. He insisted for it.
We got some unexpected attention and care in this crazy world.
We told each other that next time we'll go there we'll pre-pay some beer for him.

We told Thierry that it was really nice and very kind. He nodded and said that he is a very kind person.

Now we also share our drinks in the neighborhood. Cool area this one we are living. It goes totally against the reputation of the big city Paris.

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